Discover if we are a good fit. Am I someone who can support you on your journey? Are you a good fit for my offerings and guidance? Fill out the Mentorship Application to see if we synchronize for this venture together.
The next mentoring dates begin: Mid January 2024. There are four spaces available for each mentoring group.

Basic Mentoring $555
Includes four 44 minute one on one sessions with Carrie via online video chat. Your sessions are guided by Carrie's 10 plus years experience and knowledge of being a professional intuitive and healer, and the sessions are infused with channeling from spirit and source to help guide you on your path. During this time Carrie will be here to help answer all of your questions via email.

Premium Mentoring $777
Includes the basic mentoring offering, plus 4 email distance sessions. During these extra four sessions Carrie will tune into your energy field and share what your spirit is wanting you to know at this time. If healing is needed, she will send healing energy to you. You can ask specific questions that you want guidance and channeling on for these distance sessions.

Premium Plus Mentoring $888
Includes everything from the basic and premium mentoring packages, plus the catalogue of courses offered by Carrie: Channeling, Meet Your Spirit Guides, Energy Healing levels 1 through 3, Awaken The Third Eye, Law of Attraction, and Magical Money Manifestation. Receive a PDF copy of her book: Heal Using Intuition And Energy