Spirit Infused Services
Bring your soul consciousness into your body so that healing can begin mindfully.
Healing With Energy & Spirit
Energy healing incorporates the healing of your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit.
You can book an energy healing session and receive any or a combination of Energy Healing and channeling. All of the services are offered distance and in person (Canmore, AB).
Carrie uses the help of her spirit guides to move large amounts of positive and healing energy to your body while removing blockages and that which no longer serves you or weighs you down.

This session is a mixture of channeling and energy healing depending on your needs. You can ask for guidance in any areas of your life (channeling), or receive healing energy to help support you on your journey (energy healing), or have a combination of both.
Space clearing and vibrational harmonizing include welcoming Carrie energetically into your home to elevate the vibrational healing within your space (home/work). Carrie also offers compassionate exorcisms in person or distance.